Category Archives: Tips and Techiques

Japanese Beetles are Here

Japanese Beetles arrived in my garden July 1st. right in historical schedule. For a quick kill I spray with spinosad or carbaryl (sevin).  For a somewhat residual effect I apply deltamethrin or bifenthrin. To kill the soon to be hatching … Continue reading

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Japanese Beetles

Interesting Article on Japanese Beetles from University of Minnesota Extension Service

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Japanese Beetles

Found first Japanese Beetle today. Right on time in comparison to past five years. Will monitor to determine if JB’s become an issue. If so will treat with bifenthrin and deltamethrin.

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Final Nitrogen Fertilizer

Between now and August 15th is the time to apply your final nitrogen containing fertilizer to your roses.  Application before the 15th gives the fertilizer time to work without encouraging new growth that will not have time to harden off … Continue reading

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After Rain

This has been a rainy weekend (Memorial Day Weekend). Time to apply protective fungicide spray. Include Maneb or Mancozeb for a little extra blackspot protection.

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Things to do this week

Your roses should have leaves by now. If so, it is a good time to begin your preventative fungicide application program. This weekend would also a good time to prune your roses to remove all dead wood, crossing or damaged … Continue reading

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Time to Fertilize?

Northern rose growers, if your soil temperature is above 50F, then it is time to begin fertilizing your roses.

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Rose Education Day, St Cloud, MN

Had a great time presenting Soil and  Fertilizer 101 at Rose Education Day in St Cloud, MN today. Here is a copy of my presentation: Soil and Fertilizers 101  

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Mulch Removal Time

With warmer temperatures and rain in the forecast, it is now a good time to begin removing the winter mulch from your rose beds. Only remove the mulch that is thawed. Let the frozen mulch thaw before removing. Do not … Continue reading

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